The GENERAL ASSEMBLY is the highest authority of the AUSF. It brings together every four years the National University Sports Federations which are AUSF members and elects the Executive Committee for a term of four years. It formulates the major policy and issues. At the fourth General Assembly held in Beijing, an amendment was made to the constitutions to increase the frequency of the General Assembly to be held in every two years. 

When the General Assembly is not in session, the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE looks after the general affairs and to make decisions to ensure the proper functioning of AUSF.  Members of the Executive Committee is elected at the General Assembly and the composition includes:



Senior Vice-President




Secretary General


Vice Secretary General






Auditors (with no voting rights)           


The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meets at least once a year to take care of the general business of the Federation. When the full EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is not available, a STEERING COMMITTEE would meet. Members of the STEERING COMMITTEE consists of the President, Senior Vice President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Vice Secretary Genearl and Treasurer, a total of 7 members. Decisions of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and the STEERING COMMITTEE will be submitted to the General Assembly for endorsement.

The SECRETARIAT takes care of the day to day operation. The Secretariat is located in Beijing since 2004 and is well supported by the China Student Sports Federation (CSSF).  With the subvention of the International University Sports Federation starting from late 2008, the Secretariat has secured an office in Beijing, purchased furniture and office equipment.  With the genuine effort of the Secretariat staff, the AUSF is now officially incorporated in China as the Continental Federation in university sports in Asia.


Planning and Development Committee

Education and Research Committee

Legal Committee

University Sports and Technical Committee

Branding and Marketing Committee

Media and Communication Committee

Medical and Health Promotion Committee

Information and Technology Committee


The AUSF Education and Development Center (Center for short) was first set up during the AUSF General Assembly in Qingdao in 2014. Aiming at strengthening communication between AUSF and its member associations and providing knowledge transfer, the Center will organize various programmes targeting at coaches, technical officials and organizing committee staffs of sporting events in the coming future. The center was located in Capital University of Physical Education and Sports of China (CUPES) in Beijing.