FUSC Opened 8th General Assembly 16 Nov 2017 | in NUSF

Beijing, China – from 14 to 15 November 2017, Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC) hosted its 8th General Assembly in Shanghai, China, in which a new board was elected. Nearly 300 delegates from related governments, universities and provincial university sports federations were present at the meeting. FISU President Oleg Matytsin sent his congratulations, by appreciating China’s contribution in the past and expecting an ever strong cooperation under the leadership of new board in future.

During the meeting, all the delegates studied the working report made by Mr. XUE Yanqing, FUSC Senior Vice President and Secretary General, reviewing the major achievements made by FUSC with the involvement of all walks of life, which was inspiring and encouraging.

Mr. TIAN Xue jun, Vice Minister of Education, was present at the meeting and delivered a speech, highly complemented the achievements in the field of university sports. He said, promoting the development of university sports was an important strategy of China in its course of all-round development. With the economic and social development, peoples had new expectation and request on university sports. Therefore, he encouraged and requested all the delegates present to make joint efforts for the advancement of university sports. Also, he highlighted the further enhancement of the cooperation with FISU and AUSF, which will benefit the development and reform in the field of university sports.


                                 Mr. TIAN Xuejun,                                                                     Mr. XUE Yanqing, 

                  Vice Minister of Education of China                               FUSC Senior Vice President and Secretary General             

As one of the achievements of this meeting, FUSC signed an MOU with China Basketball Association. Both of the 2 parties will strengthen the cooperation in terms of athlete selection, coaches training, etc.

MOU between FUSC and CBA,

Mr. BAI Xilin, Mr. YAO Ming, Mr. Tian Xuejun and Mr. XUE Yanqing (from left to right) 

(Source: FUSC)