AUSF Executive Committee Meets for the Near Future 01 Nov 2019 | in Executive Committee Meeting

Xiamen, China - The AUSF Steering Committee and Executive Committee (EC) Meetings were held from 30th to 31st October in Xiamen, China. Executive members of AUSF got together to discuss and evaluate the progress of the various projects and also to confirm the several bids for Asian University Championships (AUC) for 2020.


President XUE Yanqing opened the meeting by delivering the concept, "To enhance the sports moments in Asia, we will work together to take Asian university sports to a new high, and through contribute more to the development of Asian youths in the future."


Following the President's remarks, Secretary-General Kenny CHOW, Treasurer SEETOW Cheng-Fave, Technical Committee Chair, and Public Relations Committee Chair gave their updated reports.


The Chair of the Technical Committee, AYUB Hanafiah, put forth the issue of the inclusion of international students in teams participating in AUCs. On the Education side, Chairman Ching-yu TSENG reiterated the importance of having educational programs in every AUC.  To create partnerships and promote interactions between Asian youths, the Media Committee proposed the hosting of annual training programs for media volunteers in the future.


The Overview of AUSF Events in 2020

In the morning of day 2 of the EC meeting, 6 bids from 5 countries and regions were presented and evaluated for the hosting of AUCs in 2020. The final decision by the EC is as follows:

1st AUC Bodybuilding in Pattaya, Thailand (26th-30th , March)

6th AUC 3x3 Basketball in Chiayi, Chinese Taipei (16th-19th April)

1st AUC Tchoukball in Singapore (3rd-5th July)

1st AUC Archery in Taipei, Chinese Taipei (18th-20th September)

4th AUC Volleyball in Bhubaneswar, India (October)

2nd AUSF Football Cup in Jinjiang, China (November)