10 Days from Now, Let's IDUS! 10 Sep 2020 | in

In just 10 days from now, university students the world over will step out and celebrate the International Day of University Sport (IDUS). In its fifth edition, IDUS has mobilised students and encouraged them to embrace physical activity as a part of their daily campus lives.

This year too, AUSF is pulling out all stops to ensure that IDUS will be a day to remember. By organizing a Run Challenge on the occasion of IDUS celebration which falls on 20th September, 2020, AUSF would like to provide a platform for all who loves and care for university sports to stay in close bond and to find a sense of belonging. Through this event, it is expected that the meaning of sports will be underscored among Asian youth amid COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of Run Challenge is “We are together”. Now preparations are in full swing!

The plans are falling in place and with 10 days to go, #LetsIDUS together!